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The European Curvature and Biology Network is a COST Action bringing together biologists, physicists, mathematicians, designers and others to elucidate the role of curvature in biological systems


Welcome !

Cells and tissues not only interact and respond to the shape of their physical environment but they can also change it. Shape can be modified by processes such as growth, remodeling and/or the development of active forces by a living tissue.
A key descriptor of shape is the curvature of the surface, and recent research has indeed shown that curvature not only is controlled by cells and tissues, but also plays an important role as a physical signal that can guide cell and tissue response.
The difficulty of this topic is that it requires knowledge coming from a wide range of natural science disciplines, such as biology, mathematics, physics and materials science.


There is a vibrant community of people interested in learning and solving problems related to the interplay between curvature and biology.
The goal of EuroCurvoBioNet (CA22153) is to keep these people communicating together and to make a useful platform to help people stay and get in contact with each other, but also to provide useful resources for teaching and research.


You want to learn more about
the links between Curvature & Biological Systems?

Check out our Webinar series !

Chiara Micheletti (MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam)
will kick off the series on Wednesday 9th of October
with her story From torpedo to prickly ball: geometrical and ultrastructural changes in the armoured skin of the porcupine fish

More info about modalities and the up-coming schedule here!

The Conference CurvoBio 2024 was a blast !

We all came back from Warsaw full of new ideas, new perspectives and new collaborators.
Big applause to the organizing staff
Łucja Kowalewska, Ioannis Papantoniou & Andreas Roschger as well as their team for kicking off so well the EuroCurvoBioNet COST action.

You can review the details of the conference here!


Stanisław Żukowski (University of Warsaw) won the image contest at CurvoBio 2024

with his "Jellyfish Canal Network" piece of art.



Chiara Micheletti (MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam) won the poster prize with her story "From torpedo to prickly ball: geometrical and ultrastructural changes in the armoured skin of the porcupine fish"



The kick-off conference of EuroCurvoBioNet

will take place in Warsaw, Poland - on August 28th to 30th 2024

For more information and to register, click here!


COST Action approved

We are glad to announce that the COST application "European Curvature and Biology Network"

got approved.

This "EuroCurvoBioNet" COST Action (CA22153)
will run until September 2027
and give us another boost for networking and scientific exchange. More details can be found here.

Check out this review paper:

"Curvature in Biological Systems: Its Quantification, Emergence, and Implications across the Scales"

Thanks a lot to all co-authors for this group effort!

Alfredo Sciortino won the Best Image Award during CurvoBio2022 Workshop

Spherical teardrops
Active patterns formed by actin filaments gliding on the inner surface of spherical lipid vesicles

The CurvoBio2022 Workshop in Berlin took place on
August 24th - 26th

For more information
check the "Events" page.

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